
how to start a pop up restaurant

Navigating the restaurant industry can often feel like a daunting challenge, teeming with high start-up costs and fierce competition. However, one innovative solution has emerged, offering an alternative pathway to culinary entrepreneurship: the pop-up restaurant. Whether you’re an ambitious chef or a budding restaurateur, deciding to open a successful pop-up restaurant could be the smart and strategic choice you need to make a memorable mark on the food scene. This not only allows you to test your culinary prowess in real-time but also provides you with valuable industry insights without the long-term commitment. So, are you ready to dive into this venture? Let’s embark on the journey and learn how to start a pop-up restaurant.

What Is a Pop Up Restaurant?

A pop-up restaurant is an exciting business venture in the culinary world that captures the essence of transient creativity. If you’re looking to take a deep dive into the restaurant business without the constraints of a traditional setup, a pop-up restaurant could be the perfect fit for you.

Defined by its temporary existence, a pop-up restaurant can be set up in any location – a park, a rooftop, an existing restaurant, or even a vacant warehouse. The concept offers a unique way of serving food and engaging with a customer base, primarily driven by the element of surprise and the allure of limited availability. Many chefs and restaurateurs are increasingly drawn to this innovative model, embracing the flexibility and creative freedom it offers.

A key feature of a pop-up restaurant is its transience. These establishments operate for a certain period – a few days, weeks, or even months. The length of time depends on how long you plan to serve your menu and interact with your audience. Depending on the length of your pop-up operation, the resources and permits you’ll need will depend significantly. For example, if your pop-up plans to operate longer than one month, you might need more permits and a sustained marketing strategy compared to a weekend pop-up

Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting a Pop-Up Restaurant

Starting a pop-up restaurant presents both an exciting opportunity and a significant challenge for chefs and restaurateurs. Understanding these can guide aspiring restaurateurs in making informed decisions when planning their pop-up ventures.

Advantages of a Pop-Up Restaurant

Test the Waters of the Restaurant Industry

One of the main benefits of deciding to open a pop-up restaurant is the way to test a restaurant concept without the financial burden that comes with establishing a full-fledged brick-and-mortar restaurant. Pop-ups allow you to gauge customer response to your food, service, and overall concept, providing valuable insights that can shape your future restaurant plans.

Flexibility and Mobility

Pop-up restaurants offer incredible flexibility. Since they’re temporary, you can experiment with different restaurant locations without long-term lease commitments. This mobility also allows restaurant owners to take their brand on the road, traveling from city to city, thereby broadening their customer base and building their culinary reputation.

Lower Startup Costs: The cost to start a pop up restaurant is significantly less than that of the cost of starting traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant.

Disadvantages of a Pop-Up Restaurant

Short-Term Customer Base

While a pop-up restaurant can generate buzz and attract a steady stream of diners, maintaining a loyal customer base can be a challenge. Since you’re operating from a temporary location, your regulars may vary drastically from one spot to another. This differs from a traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant where a consistent location can foster a regular clientele.

Regulatory and Permit Challenges

The space you’ve chosen for your pop-up restaurant must comply with health and safety regulations, which can vary from one location to another. You’ll also need to secure necessary permits and licenses, and this process can be complex and time-consuming.

Limited Time to Establish a Brand Identity

With a pop-up restaurant, you have a limited window of time to create a compelling brand identity and make a memorable impression. This is quite different from a regular restaurant where brand building can take place over a more extended period.

The 10 Steps To Start A Pop-Up Restaurant

Opening a pop-up restaurant is an exciting adventure filled with unique opportunities for creativity, innovation, and culinary exploration. Whether you are an experienced chef or a passionate foodie, these ten steps will guide you to successfully open a pop-up restaurant.

Step 1. Research Your Pop-Up Restaurant Market

Identify Your Competitors

Before establishing your pop-up, it’s crucial to understand your competition. Examine other restaurants around town, including both permanent restaurants and other pop-ups. What kind of food do they serve? How are their prices? How does the audience react? Use this information to shape your pop-up and make it stand out.

Evaluating Current Market Trends and Consumer Preferences

Keeping a pulse on the latest food trends and understanding consumer preferences is essential. Are locally sourced, organic ingredients all the rage? Is there a growing interest in vegan cuisine? Knowing these trends will help you design a pop-up restaurant that will attract a crowd.

Step 2. Choose Some Pop-Up Restaurant Themes and Names

Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition

Every successful pop-up has a unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates it from competitors. Your USP could be a unique food concept, exceptional service, a quirky location, or a new and exciting menu. Determine what makes your pop-up special and capitalize on it.

Choose Your Pop Up Restaurant Theme

Choosing a compelling theme can contribute significantly to your pop-up’s marketability. The theme could be tied to a type of cuisine, a specific culture, or even a unique dining experience.

Choose a Name and Logo

Your pop-up restaurant’s name and logo should resonate with your theme and brand identity. They should be catchy, memorable, and reflective of the experience diners can expect.

Step 3. Create a Pop-Up Restaurant Business Plan

Components of a Pop Up Restaurant Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive business plan is a critical step in establishing any restaurant. The components of a pop up restaurant business plan typically include:

  • Executive Summary: This is the snapshot of your business that explains what you do and why it will be successful.
  • Company Description: Here, you provide detailed information about your pop up restaurant, including the unique aspects that will make it successful.
  • Market Analysis: This section includes the results of your market research, competitor analysis, and target customer profiling.
  • Organization and Management: Outline your business structure, the team, and how your business will operate.
  • Service or Product Line: Describe what you’re selling or what service you’re providing.
  • Marketing and Sales: Discuss how you’ll attract and retain customers.
  • Financial Projections: Provide a forecast of your business’s financial future.

Setting Your Business Objectives

Determine your business objectives. Are you opening a pop-up restaurant to test a new concept, gain publicity, or launch a new menu? Clearly defined objectives will shape your operational and marketing strategies.

Mapping Out Your Marketing And Operational Strategies

A detailed plan outlining your marketing and operational strategies will serve as a roadmap for your pop-up. This includes everything from logistics to promotions. Leverage social media and local influencers for free marketing, create an event page, and collaborate with other businesses for cross-promotion.

Step 4. Plan Your Pop-Up Restaurant Startup Costs

Breakdown of Key Pop Up Restaurant Startup Costs

The startup costs for a pop-up restaurant are usually much lower than a full restaurant. Still, it’s important to accurately estimate these costs to avoid any potential financial pitfalls. Key costs can include rent for the space, equipment, permits and licenses, ingredients, marketing, and staffing. Make sure to consider hidden costs such as insurance and utility bills.

Step 5. Raise Funds For Your Pop-Up Restaurants

Here are a few funding options that could help get your pop-up off the ground:

Community Sponsors: Look to local businesses or organizations that may be interested in sponsoring your venture. Sponsors can not only provide financial support, but can also offer in-kind donations or help spread the word about your pop-up restaurant.

Personal Investors: Reach out to people who go to pop-up restaurants regularly, friends, family, and food enthusiasts who may be willing to invest in your venture. Remember, they’re not just investing in a business, but also in you and your unique culinary vision.

Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe can help raise funds for your project. With a compelling story, innovative idea, and enticing rewards for backers, you can attract a community of supporters that goes beyond just monetary contributions.

Small Business Administration Microloans: In the United States, the Small Business Administration offers microloans up to $50,000. These loans can be used for all start-up costs associated with your pop-up.

Equipment Loans and Financing Programs: Certain companies offer financing programs for purchasing restaurant equipment. This can ease upfront costs and help you turn a profit more quickly.

Remember, every funding avenue you choose should align with your business plan and financial needs. It’s essential to figure out how much you need, how quickly you need it, and the best way to get it, to successfully launch your pop-up restaurant.

Step 6. Set Up a Mobile Kitchen or Temporary Dining Room

Once you’ve gathered your funds, it’s time to build the physical space of your pop-up restaurant. This will either be a mobile kitchen or a temporary dining room. When you choose a location and setting up, consider the type of experience you want to offer your diners and the specific equipment you need.

The kitchen must be well equipped and efficient, ensuring your staff can deliver on your menu promises. Your dining space should reflect the theme of your pop-up, creating a unique and inviting ambiance.

For a mobile setup, you may choose to use a commissary kitchen as a base. This can provide you with the necessary prep space, storage, and cooking facilities, which can be particularly helpful for a food truck or similar operation.

Step 7. Create a Menu

The menu is arguably the most critical aspect of your pop-up restaurant. Whether you’re experimenting with new dishes or sticking to tried-and-tested classics, your menu should be exciting, engaging, and reflective of your brand. Consider using a QR code menu for a touch-free and convenient ordering experience for your customers.

Step 8. Get Permits and Licenses

Business Licenses

To operate your pop-up restaurant legally, you need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses from local and state authorities. The exact licenses required will depend on your location, the duration of your pop-up, and the type of food you’re serving.

Food Safety

Food safety certifications are often required to ensure your restaurant meets local health standards. These may include food handler’s permits for your staff and a temporary food establishment permit if your pop-up is event-based.

Seller’s Permit, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and Employee Health Permit

If you plan to sell merchandise, you’ll likely need a Seller’s Permit. You’ll also need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS for tax purposes. An Employee Health Permit may be required, depending on local laws.

Mobile Food Facility Permit

If your pop-up restaurant is mobile, like a food truck, you may need a Mobile Food Facility Permit. Check with local regulations to ensure you have all the necessary paperwork.

Step 9. Invest In The Right Technology

Online Ordering System

An online ordering system, like Menubly, can transform your food truck business. Customers can browse your menu from home, place orders for pickup or delivery, and make payments right from their smartphones. This not only offers convenience but also speeds up service, as you can prepare your food ahead of time based on incoming orders.

Secure Payment System

Today’s customers expect a variety of payment options. In addition to cash, being able to accept credit and debit cards, as well as mobile payments, is crucial. Most well-known online ordering system like Menubly, for instance, often seamlessly integrate with various payment platforms such as Stripe and PayPal. This feature allows for a smooth, secure, and user-friendly transaction process, greatly enhancing the customer experience.

POS System

A reliable Point of Sale (POS) system like ToastPOS can streamline operations, track sales, and provide insightful data about customer habits and preferences.

Step 10. Marketing and Advertising

It’s essential to promote your pop up restaurant to drive customers to your location and build a buzz around your brand. A well-planned marketing strategy can make the difference between a temporary restaurant that’s thriving and one that’s barely surviving.

Start with the basics: utilize social media platforms and your network to create awareness. Spread the word, let people know about your unique concept, the location, and the dates. It’s vital to create anticipation and excitement to encourage people to go to your pop-up restaurant.

Additionally, leverage SEO strategies to increase your online presence. With the right keywords and online marketing tactics, you can reach more potential customers and increase your visibility in search engine results.

You need to figure out which mix of marketing strategies works best for your pop-up restaurant and continually refine your approach to build a strong customer base. Your goal should be not just to attract customers, but also to create memorable experiences that will keep them coming back.


It’s can be an exciting adventure for budding restauranteurs to open a pop up restaurant. It allows you to take a leap into the food industry without the commitment of a full-scale restaurant, making it a great testing ground for new concepts. Whether it’s a one-night event, a weekend venture, or an off-site extension of an existing space, the unique and limited time nature of pop-ups creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity that can be quite appealing to diners.

With careful planning, you can address the logistics of setting up your new pop-up, choosing the right location, securing necessary licenses, and providing memorable hospitality. Pop-ups give you the flexibility to test out new recipes, introduce new chefs, or try out a completely unique dining concept.

The next time someone asks you, “Why should I go to a pop-up restaurant?” you can confidently answer, “Because it’s a unique dining experience that you won’t find anywhere else.” So, are you ready to open your pop-up restaurant?