
Restaurant Revenue Calculator

>> Calculate Restaurant Profit Margin

How to use Restaurant Revenue Calculator?

This calculator helps you estimate your restaurant’s daily/monthly/yearly revenue based on key operational factors.

To use this calculator, you’ll need to input three key pieces of information:

  1. Number of Tables
  2. Number of Turns Per Table Per Day
  3. Average Check Amount ($)

Let’s break down each of these components:

Number of Tables

This refers to the total number of tables available in your restaurant for customer seating. It includes all tables, whether they’re for two people, four people, or larger groups.

For example:

  • A small café might have 10 tables
  • A medium-sized restaurant might have 25 tables
  • A large restaurant might have 50 or more tables

Consider your restaurant’s layout and seating capacity when determining this number. If you have a bar area with seating, you might count each group of bar seats as a “table” for this calculation.

Number of Turns Per Table Per Day

This represents how many times, on average, each table is occupied by different parties in a single day. It’s a measure of how quickly you can seat new customers after others leave. Factors that influence this include:

  • Average dining time for your customers
  • Efficiency of your service and kitchen
  • Type of cuisine (fast food vs. fine dining)
  • Time of day and day of the week

For example:

  • A fast-casual restaurant might have 6-8 turns per table per day
  • A sit-down restaurant might have 3-5 turns per table per day
  • A fine dining establishment might have 1-2 turns per table per day

This is an average across all your tables and across different days of the week.

Average Check Amount ($)

This is the average amount spent per table, including all food, drinks, and any other charges. To calculate this:

  1. Add up the total revenue for a given period (e.g., a week or a month)
  2. Divide by the total number of tables served in that period

For example:

  • A casual lunch spot might have an average check of $30-$50
  • A mid-range dinner restaurant might average $75-$100 per table
  • A high-end restaurant could see average checks of $150 or more

Restaurant Revenue Formula

Using these inputs, the calculator estimates your restaurant’s revenue with this formula:

Daily Revenue

Daily Revenue = Number of Tables × Number of Turns Per Table Per Day × Average Check Amount

Monthly and yearly revenues are then calculated based on this daily estimate:

Monthly Revenue

Monthly Revenue = Daily Revenue × 30

Yearly Revenue

Yearly Revenue = Daily Revenue × 365

Example Calculation

Let’s walk through an example:

  1. Number of Tables: Your restaurant has 20 tables.
  2. Number of Turns Per Table Per Day: On average, each table is occupied by 3 different parties per day.
  3. Average Check Amount: The average bill per table is $100.

Using these numbers:

  • Daily Revenue = 20 × 3 × $100 = $6,000
  • Monthly Revenue = $6,000 × 30 = $180,000
  • Yearly Revenue = $6,000 × 365 = $2,190,000

Next steps

After calculating your estimated revenue, consider your profit margins. Use our “Restaurant Profit Margin Calculator” to dive deeper into your restaurant’s financial health.

Restaurant Revenue Calculator FAQs

Restaurant revenue is typically calculated by multiplying the number of customers served by the average amount each customer spends. Our calculator uses a similar method, but focuses on tables rather than individual customers:

  1. Number of Tables × Number of Turns Per Table Per Day = Total Tables Served
  2. Total Tables Served × Average Check Amount = Daily Revenue

We then estimate monthly revenue (Daily Revenue × 30) and yearly revenue (Daily Revenue × 365).

Profit varies widely among restaurants and depends on many factors. Generally, a healthy restaurant aims for a profit margin of 3-5% of total revenue. However, this can range from 0-15% depending on the restaurant type, location, and management efficiency.

To calculate profit:

  1. Start with your revenue (which you can estimate using our calculator)
  2. Subtract all expenses (food costs, labor, rent, utilities, etc.)

Restaurant turnover, or table turns, refers to how many times a table is used by different parties in a day. To calculate this:

  1. Track how many parties are served at each table over a day
  2. Divide the total number of parties served by the number of tables

For example, if you have 20 tables and serve 60 parties in a day: 60 parties ÷ 20 tables = 3 turns per table

Estimating cafe revenue follows the same principle as estimating restaurant revenue. Use our calculator with these adjustments:

  1. Number of Tables: Include all seating areas, even single seats at a counter.
  2. Number of Turns Per Table Per Day: Cafes often have higher turnover than restaurants. You might see 10-20 turns per day for some tables.
  3. Average Check Amount: This is likely lower than a full-service restaurant. Consider your menu prices and what a typical customer orders.

Remember that cafe revenue can vary greatly depending on location, hours of operation, and product offerings. Our calculator provides a starting point, but you may need to adjust based on your cafe's specific characteristics.

Menubly is a tool that allows restaurants and food businesses to easily create a Free mini website. This mini website features an interactive digital menu and a hub for all your essential links, including Google Maps direction, social media profiles, and online ordering platforms, and more.

By placing this mini website link in your Instagram bio or other social media profiles, your customers can easily access and discover everything about your restaurant with just one click.

Menubly is ideal for any type of food business looking to boost their online presence and get more customers. Whether you run a restaurant, cafe, bar, bakery, food truck, brewery, or ghost kitchen, Menubly provides the tool to help you showcase your offerings online and get more customers.